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Bathroom interior colour choices

The colour you choose for your bathroom often reflects who you are and showcases your personality. So, when picking the colours, it is advisable to apply due diligence to ensure you get satisfying results. Select colours that match your taste, preference, and individuality.

Different people have different choices as far as bathroom colours are concerned. Therefore, knowing the proper colour categories allows you to pick the one elevating your space. You also have the option to mix and match to create an exciting look for your bathroom.

When choosing bathroom colours, you should ensure you get the ones that make your space stand out. There are several considerations to make during the selection process. This article offers a comprehensive guide on choosing your bathroom colours.

Why does your bathroom colour matter?

Like in any other space in your home, the colour you select for your bathroom matters. Here are some of the effects the colour choice has on your area.

Bathroom size

The colour you select for your bathroom affects the size. For instance, light colours usually make your space look bigger. However, this isn't to say that you must choose lighter colours. You should only pick these colours if you have a small bathroom and want to make it look bigger. After all, nobody wants to shower or take a bath in a space that feels cramped up.

Bathroom ambience

Your bathroom ambience is determined by the colours you have on the walls. Lighter colours usually create high energy and happy moods. On the other hand, darker colours make a bold statement or give an intimate feeling to the space, while neutral colours transform your bathroom into a place where you can release your emotions.

If you have a white bathroom, bright colours also allow your bathroom to reflect more natural light and offer you high-level flexibility when installing other fixtures in your space.

Colour psychology in your bathroom

One of the primary goals of bathrooms is to allow you to relax. Therefore, you need to transform your bathroom into a space that offers you peace of mind as you shower or take a bath, especially after a long day. Each colour has some psychological effects that you should understand. Understanding these effects is critical to allow you to pick the right ones for your space.

Here are the different shades and how they affect your atmosphere.

Orange or yellow

Orange or yellow hues make your space feel warm. Since most people tend to be groggy in the morning, these colours also evoke the confidence and energy required for a morning bath and shower. However, prolonged exposure to these colours might at times create feelings of irritation and aggression.

Therefore, to neutralise that effect, you could incorporate yellow and orange colours in small objects such as storage boxes. Doing this gives your room a more interesting character to your space without destroying your mood.


Green is a colour that depicts peace and nature, offering relaxation to the human eyes. It also stirs the feeling of comfort, happiness, and hope. For your bathroom, you can incorporate a green shower curtain or wall. This allows you to enjoy a relaxed and stress-free bath. The green colour also encourages you to stay longer in the bathroom, especially when you are tired and need to re-energise.


When you think of blue, the sea and sky almost always come to mind. This element of nature creates sensations of nourishment, calmness, and soothing, which is one of the significant reasons blue is a popular colour in most bathroom interiors. You can opt to integrate several blue shades to offer your space a navy spin. Additionally, you can use darker tones to make a bold statement in your bathroom.

Beige and white

White and beige are used as neutrals in a bathroom. The number of neutral colours used determines the balance in your bathroom. You can use beige and white as the starting point and add other colours to your space. You don't have to hold back if you want a plain beige or white space. This is because a white bathroom evokes a sense of coolness and peace as you enjoy your shower or bath.

Warm grey

Warm grey is another excellent pick for your bathroom. This is a neutral colour that helps modernise and elevate your space. It matches effectively with other colours, making it easy to pair with other fixtures in the bathroom.

Practical tips for your bathroom colour

The perfect bathroom paint colour depends on the size of the room, and your personal taste, among many other factors. Cool, harmonious, and calm colours work well in a small bathroom. However, you can choose to break or follow the rules as far as bathroom colours are concerned. Provided you get results that please you; you can choose a colour that matches your bathroom style.

Here are some of the practical tips to follow to get the best colours for your bathroom.

Consider the function

You need to consider the major functions your bathroom plays in promoting hygiene in your home in Australia. Before selecting accessories and colours, you should consider the fittings and layouts in the bathroom. The functional nature of your bathroom determines the location of the waterproof surfaces and the best decorative touches to use.

White bathroom wares are popular and practical because you can see when they are dirty; alter the colour scheme without changing the fittings and make them more appealing. Coloured suites are appealing but also dictate the colour palettes required for your towels, tiles, and paint to match the suite colour.

Tiles and grout colour

Your bathroom is a wet place since this is where you shower, bathe and do some laundry work. Wetness could lead to mould growth. The best way to protect your bathroom from water damage is by waterproofing it. The best waterproofing method is to install tiles.

You could choose to have your bathroom tiled partially or fully. You could have tiles on the floor and walls or just around the sink, bath, and shower. Thus, tiles are critical features in your bathroom. When choosing your bathroom colour, you will need to consider the colour of the tiles and grouts.

You can choose tiles with a variety of colours depending on the appearance you want to attain. The colour of your bathroom tiles depends on the colour scheme of your space. This is necessary since tiles add pattern, texture, and colour to your bathroom. A patterned tile can guide you on how to match colours in your bathroom.

The colour of the tile grout is also critical. There are many tile grout colours to choose from. Therefore, pick a colour that matches your tiles to give your bathroom a consistent look. Choose the one with antimicrobial protection regardless of the colour you select.

Bathroom vanity

Your bathroom vanity typically occupies the space under the sink and could be recessed partially or fully. You should have a vanity colour matching your sink. For instance, if your sink is white, you need a vanity of the same colour. The standard units are available in limited colours, either black or white. However, you could also have a different paint finish to create a distinctive accent. Pick a vanity colour that blends into your space background or one that draws focus to it.

Bathroom cabinetry

You should also select the right colour for your cabinet. This is the space you store your toiletries and spare towels. The colour you pick for the bathroom cabinet depends on its significance in your space. Most of the small cabinets are white since they don't attract a lot of attention in the room.

However, the larger cabinets attract more attention; thus, you need to choose a colour that matches your entire bathroom scheme. The cabinet is an ideal fixture to add a more intense colour if your bathroom features a neutral colour scheme.

Towel colours

Bathroom towels also help to elevate your space design, so you need to choose the right colours. If you have a bathroom with a multi-coloured scheme, you should opt for white towels. You could go for towels in various colours with a neutral colour scheme.

Make sure the towels complement your bathroom. In white bathrooms, towels offer a colour accent. So, you could change your bathroom mood by changing the towel colour. Determine if you would like the towels to stand out or blend harmoniously with the décor.

Bathroom ceiling colours

The other important part to think about is your bathroom's ceiling colours. The ceiling usually gets damp because of condensation and steam, causing the paint to peel away or get some marks. It's advisable to have whitish or yellowish ceilings. However, you could choose any colour you prefer, but make sure it matches the rest of your bathroom theme.

How to pick a bathroom colour scheme

As you consider the suitable bathroom colour scheme, here are some things you need to check.

Check what is there

Unless you are renovating or designing your bathroom, then there are colours already present in the fittings and tiles. You should match the colours of your existing tiles to attain a balanced colour palette. If you don't like the tiles, you could decide to change them to your favourite colour, which is costlier.

Bathroom lighting

Consider if your bathroom has an enclosed box or a window since the amount of natural light getting in considerably determines the colour scheme. If you have a fully enclosed and small bathroom, you should have lighter colours to enhance a feeling of freedom and more space.

Bathroom mood

Consider how you use your bathroom to figure out the colours that best suit it. Do you take a lot of time in the bathroom relaxing and washing away stress, or just spend a few minutes? The answer to this question typically determines the best colours for your facility. If you spend a few minutes just cleaning and sterilising yourself, white tones are the best option for you. On the other hand, sky blue colours are a great option if you like relaxing in the bathroom.

Apply three tones in proportion

A great bathroom colour design takes a single colour and utilises three tones, i.e., dark, light, and medium, in the ratio of 70:20:10 to create a pulled-together appearance.

Use a natural approach

Including natural elements in your space featuring earthy colours and tones results in a calm design with a relaxing effect. The good thing is that nature's colours never clash, so if you desire meadow or mountain colours in your space, attaining a harmonious design is relatively easy.

Coastal chic

You could also have beach colours in your bathroom. The washed-out beach colours bring in sunny and happy feelings in your bathroom. With a coastal chic bathroom colour scheme, you will feel like you are enjoying a great time on the beach.

Consider the future

When choosing the colour scheming for your bathroom, it is also essential to think about the future and what specific colours could mean. For instance, you may want to sell your home in the future. With such plans, you need a neutral colour scheme or white that appeals as such tones are appealing to most home buyers because they allow them to add their details.

Experiment with crazy colours

You could also make a bold statement in your bathroom by using crazy colours. You could opt for neon or bright colours as long as the fixtures are neutral. Since the bathroom is small and easy to redecorate, you could go as crazy as you desire with the colour scheme.

Use any colour

There is no rule on the colours that you could incorporate into your bathroom because there is no colour that cannot work in your space. You must know how much to use. You can choose any colour, including pale pastels and deep jewel tones. After choosing the colour, work on your design theme to make the colour stand out.

Determine the primary fixed colour

It's good to identify the primary fixed colour in your bathroom. This refers to the intended colour for your wall tiles since they cover more than half of your wall surface. It could also be the colour of your bathroom fixtures or floor tile. Note that the fixed colour is also the one you don't intend to change in the future. It also determines how you play with the other colours.

Select a paint colour

If you don't intend to use wallpaper in your space, select a bathroom paint colour matching your bathroom colour scheme. When you get your patterned piece, for instance, shower curtain or art, take it into your space to find out how it fits in with your flooring and other elements.

On the other hand, if your bathroom features wallpaper in the bathroom, use the wallpaper as the basis for choosing the other elements' colours. This ensures that your bathroom attains a harmonious look. As you pick the bathroom paint colour, make sure you also consider how the colour reflects light.

Bathroom colour scheme mistakes to avoid

It's fun to decorate your bathroom with your favourite colours. However, this is a process that needs to be done carefully to ensure that your bathroom looks great. You need to concentrate on the focal points since they are the ones that determine your bathroom's appearance.

However, you also have to consider the logistics in your bathroom's interior design, the frequently used and the often-forgotten areas in the bathroom. Here are a few mistakes to avoid;

Avoid dark colours

When choosing the colours of your tiles, wallpaper, or any other part, it's always important to avoid dark colours. Don't use dark colour schemes, especially if you have a small bathroom, because it makes the space even smaller. With a smaller bathroom, you should have lighter colours to bring in a feeling of airy and open space.

Avoid complexities and making the space busy

You don't have to overwhelm your bathroom by having many colours, textures, and patterns in your space. Using streamlined colours is good to ensure your bathroom doesn't look overwhelming or busy. Have simple colours, but you could also go bold. However, when you choose bold colours, make sure you pair them with colours with lighter tones.

Avoid too many neon tones

It's also advisable to avoid using too many neon tones in your bathroom as they make your space overwhelming to the eyes. Neon tones are appealing to your bathroom but should never be used as the primary colour tone for your bathroom walls.

Moreover, you should consider the lighting in your facility if you decide on neon tones. If you have bright lights, avoid a lot of neon schemes since they will collide and make your bathroom look disharmonious.

Extra aspects when picking your bathroom colours

Here are some of the most critical issues regarding your bathroom paint colour selection.

The number of colours in your bathroom

There is no set limit on the exact number of colours that you could have in your bathroom. However, it is advisable to have a maximum of three colours. You could have a monochrome or an all-white bathroom. If you want to go bold, you could decide to have a splash of colour in your space.

Matching bathroom colours with other rooms

It's also good to consider if you will want to match your bathroom colours with those of the other rooms. For instance, the bathroom is closely associated with the bedroom. However, you could choose to match the bathroom colours with those of your bedroom or try something different. No rule dictates whether your bathroom colours should match other rooms or not.

Mixing fixture colours

You could have bathroom fixtures in different colours. For instance, you could have a yellow shower cubicle, a pink bath, and a blue sink. Make the colours work in a specific design if there is a space between them. Mix and match the colours to get a harmonious look. If you keep all the fixtures the same colour, you will attain a more unified look in your space.

Semi-gloss bathroom paint

Semi-gloss bathroom paint features a sheen that reflects light and is easy to clean. It's also easy to maintain when it gets splashed with water and soap. This makes it a great choice for your bathroom.

Need help with your bathroom colour?

Choosing the right colours for your bathroom can be overwhelming. However, you don't need to stress yourself with this task. You should work with the best bathroom designers in your area to help you in the process. Professional bathroom designers have experience working with many bathrooms, so you can be sure they will help you choose colours that will make your bathroom stand out.

They simply need to look at your bathroom to determine the colours that best suit it. Regardless of whether you are renovating or constructing a new bathroom, the experts will offer you exceptional bathroom ideas and deliver highly satisfactory results.

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